
Perfection does not exist.

When we love ourselves, love others, we must realize that to truly love is to see the good and the bad.

Love doesn’t have rose colored glasses, only seeking out the surface.

Love digs down deep.

It tugs and pulls until all things hidden in the dark are brought to light.

It asks for one’s true self to be revealed.

Blemishes, stretch marks, scars and secrets.

It says I have seen your ugly, but I am here, fighting, showing you I, love, exists.

I exist not in conditions or limitations.

I exist not in rules or guidelines.

I exist in the breathtakingly beautiful honest ways of a human being.

I exist in the every crevice, every tear, every word of criticism.

I exist in the sunlight caressing the skin, the sound of laughter, the twinkle in the eye.

Love sees it all.


Love sees imperfection and still chooses to wake up each day and whisper,

“I love YOU!”


Ingredient Prep June 23rd


Annual Physical 2024